A Bit O' History

Welcome to the Gray Panther Blog !

The Gray Panthers are a group of Seniors from National Golf Club in Pinehurst, North Carolina. The Panthers have evolved from a small band of week day golfers into a very active and vibrant organization of over 30 and growing.

While golf is the catalyst for getting together, the Panthers enjoy many scheduled social events with their spouses and will soon branch into charitable endeavors in the Sandhills area.

Visit this site often for the latest news and information.

We are living proof that retirement does NOT have to be boring !

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I feel your pain


It's just work, work, work. I think the live demonstration will help you tremendously.

You are focusing on the shirt aren't you ???


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I must be the dumbest man alive. I CANNOT master the technique of folding a shirt the way Collette does it. I must have viewed her demonstration at least twenty times.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

News from Collett !

I just got a call from Collett.

Since joining the convent she learned a new job skill at the laundry. She is now viewing this as a sign that she should concentrate on this new opportunity as soon as possible.

She will be starting to work for Gentlemen's Corner sometime in the next two weeks.

Here is her demonstration video:

Space is limited--- You might want to be there early for the live version !!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Don't Forget to sign up !!!!

The Panthers asked for it and we got it.

The MGA has scheduled a sponsored event on Thursday April 24 at our request. We need a very strong showing and need ALL panthers to sign up for this and play. Come out and have a good time with the rest of the panthers and we will even do lunch!

That's right, LUNCH and it's free !!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The votes are in and America (at least the Panthers) has spoken!

After a week long poll to identify the best way to get more Panthers involved in the Blog, the results are in.

It appears that at least 6 people care enough to have Collett make a personal plea for Panthers to get involved with the Blog, which is a less than inspiring turn out of only 42% of eligible voters.

While this was a unanimous vote from these brave and fearless souls, the lack of response has shaken Collett to her very core. In a personal consultation with this intrepid reporter, Collett remarked that this was the first time she has been rejected in such a way. I was shaking too as I watched her chest heave with all the sobbing, but I could not tear myself away as I valiantly tried to console her.

Sadly, after hours of trying, I had to give up.

Collett is taking her assets elsewhere and she has decided to join a convent.

Such a tragic loss.

Friday, April 11, 2008

"Addressing The Ball"

NOTICE: We start our summer hours this Tuesday. Starting tee time is 8:30 and 8:40